(Updated: April 2024)

You will be pleased to hear we have added many new features to our brand-new product guide, which is crammed full of 1000s of products from Roofline to Rainwater, and Warm Roof to Window Trims, from some of the industry’s leading brands. Here are just a few features you might want to take note of:

  • We have added all our product codes (SKUs) which will make ordering much easier.
  • Each category is a different colour to help steer you to the right products.
  • All the products in the contents index are linked to their relevant page, so you can tap on any page number, which will take you straight to that page.
  • Within every category, there is a QR code, which you can either scan, or click, and it will take you straight to that category on our website.
  • Scan or click on the many QR codes, linking you to useful videos on the NBP YouTube channel, or handy installation and product documents in our Media Library.
  • There is also a wide range of new products which have been added to our range.